Make Money with Teespring

   If you’re trying to make money with Teespring then take a good look at this article. We will teach you how to make money with Teespring. It’s very true that there are people who make good money with Teespring and we have found very secret ways to make money.

Make Money with Teespring

The best thing about Teespring is you are able to make and design however you want. Did you ever have an idea pop into your head and think to yourself, “That would be an excellent t-shirt” now you can be able to make your design into a reality.

What is Teespring

If you are unsure of what Teespring is, well it’s an e-commerce platform that allows any users to create and sell products online and you get a cut of that sale. This is print on demand all you do is create amazing, funny designs and upload them on Teespring.  

The best part is you don’t even need to create crazy designs at all. You can outsource it or create funny text messages on the shirt. 

Set up Teespring Storefront

If you are unfamiliar with setting up a Teespring storefront it’s where people will be able to buy your t-shirt, Sweaters, bags, or leggings. 

You will be able to customize your storefront however you like and add your brand logo. Another thing to mention is you will be able to upload 5 items on your storefront until you’re able to sell more products. Also, you won’t be able to have a customized link it will show Teespring and then your brand name.

How to make money with Teespring

Now we get into good stuff we will show you multiple ways to make money with Teespring and how you can make it into a passive income stream.

The key to make great money with Teespring is to create high quality designs or funny text messages. But the one that will make you more money is be in a niche, be in a specific topic and create t-shirts.

For example if you’re into food then only create t-shirts about food. If you have no idea of what to create head over and spy on your competitor here are some example

If it doesn’t spark your idea checkout Esty they have hundreds of t-shirt ideas but don’t copy create something similar and have something different that will stand out.

Use social media to gain traffic to your store, it works very effectively when using Pinterest and  Instagram. All you do is create a theme page where we will show you ways on how to promote your storefronts on each storefront. 

Instagram is a great way to promote your t-shirt. All you need to do is create a brand new account form your Instagram and be on a specific topic that you will only post daily. Let’s stick with Yoga all you need to do is post a Yoga picture and also include your t-shirt design onto your page. Here is an example of how it should be. 

How to make money with Teespring

Pinterest is a great way to get traffic to all sites you want to grow, what makes Pinterest unique is whenever you create a pin you’re able to add a link which can be to almost anything. But to make money with Teespring it will be very similar to Instagram starting a theme page. 

With Pinterest, you can make “boards” like groups of pins inside that board make sure you make multiple boards of other stuff that will be related to clothes. This will help you rank and get even more traffic.

How Teespring pays

If you wonder or got your sale you might ask “how Teespring pays” well so far in writing this article there are only 3 payment methods via credit/debit cards or Paypal 

You will get paid every 30 days but request early since it can take about 1 to 7 working days

Teespring is a great way to make money only since you have no risk at all and the only limits you have is creativity. 

Best ways to make Tshirt on Teespring

If you are ready to start making money with Teespring now is a great time to read carefully, linxtro has found the best ways to make shirts in Teespring. We will look at free and paid methods to start making money. 

Canva is a free way to create Pinterest pins, Instagram posts, and even t-shirts. A great thing about Canva is free for commercial and noncommercial use. Here is a t-shirt I made with Canva which anyone can do starting today. 

    Wait Before you start uploading that T-shirt design you must have a transparent background because if you’re using Canva free version it won’t let you unless you head to Removebg it’s free to use and it removes the background. 

Fiverr is a great way to outsource ideas and make them into reality. If you like someone who isn’t good at designing let alone t-shirts this will be perfect but you will need money. A great thing about Fiverr is that there are some great talented people who will create t-shirts that you can sell. 

I hope you enjoy reading this article. Be sure to check out more from linxtro that will help you in making money online. If you need more help on making money online with Teespring be sure to look for more details more new article