Affiliate marketing with Pinterest

Doing affiliate marketing can be confusing as there are multiple ways in doing affiliate marketing but today we are here to tell you, can do affiliate marketing with Pinterest. Pinterest is a huge social media platform as thousands of people are using the app and you can use that to do affiliate marketing.


Pinterest is a great way to promote products or use them for traffic for your website. We will show you step by step on how you can use Pinterest for affiliate marketing as many people make it hard but in reality, it’s quite easy but takes time. 

What is affiliate marketing

In case you are not sure what affiliate marketing is, it’s basically your promoting other people’s products for a commission. Affiliate marketing is best when starting out a business it can be easy but takes time but once you get your first commission you won’t stop doing affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing with pinterest

Did you know you always do affiliate marketing all the time as people ask about the product and you give them a demo and the other person really likes the product and goes to buy it, which is affiliate marketing as a whole? As a great thing about affiliate marketing, you can do it in many different ways but for now, it is best to show how to do affiliate marketing with Pinterest.

How do I get Pinterest affiliate link 

Well hopefully you already have a Pinterest account already but in case you don’t just download it. Once you have a Pinterest account it’s time to get an affiliate link but you might say how do I get Pinterest affiliate link well Pinterest doesn’t own an affiliate link you must go to an affiliate network well they are these huge networks that offer an affiliate program and that’s where you apply and then you get a special link and start promoting. In case you are not sure who has an affiliate program we have some of the biggest brands that you can apply to.

  • Amazon associates
  • ShareASale
  • Impact

As there are thousands of affiliate programs you can join but before you start promoting your affiliate links you have to know what niche you are getting into. In case you are not sure what an affiliate niche is your prompting a specific category to let’s say you do losing weight you only promote products about losing weight. If you are not sure on what are the best niches for Pinterest here are a few.

  • Women Fashion 
  • Food & Drink
  • Education
  • Losing weight

Remember that any niche can make you money but yes there are some that will make you more money than other niches. We recommend sticking to a niche that you already know, that can help you in the long run by knowing the topic you already know the products that work and won’t work and for another person that has no idea about the niche you can be getting more traffic.

To start with your Pinterest account make sure you have your account into a business account don’t worry it is completely free as. When you have a business account you have way more things such as ads or your data.

Pinterest Affiliate disclosure

If you are about to promote an affiliate product please make a disclosure as being an affiliate away once you finished your summary about the product you can put #afflink, #affiliate or #ad just transparent with your customers. Pinterest affiliate disclosure can be forgotten sometimes but you must get used to that in the guideline of Pinterest. Just remember at all cost that when you’re promoting a product just use one of the 3# to make sure what the customer is doing.

Make your pin stand out

When it comes to Pinterest always make your pin stand out as your image must look unique or cool in order to people click your picture and click your link to a product your prompting. A way you edit your image is using the power of Canva as it lets you get commercial use images for your Pinterest site. If you already have an image you like you can use Canva to edit your image.

Image use for pinterest
Photo by Eiliv-Sonas Aceron on Unsplash

If you don’t like any images from Canva you can go to Unsplash where photographers release free commercial use on those images. You can use them on your website as well for images on your website to make it look pretty or showing them a product.

Plan your Pinterest site

This is very important if you are posting whatever images, people who come to your page will get confused about what your page is about. For example, if your posting food then posting online business it may look very odd. Be in a niche as posting only food-related. If you are confused here is an example.

Affiliate marketing page

Don’t do this when starting out Pinterest affiliate marketing 

When starting out don’t do this even if Pinterest did approve affiliate links don’t do this and get into trouble or you might get your pins to take down. Don’t post 35 pins a day with all affiliate links. It will look bad for a random person on your page and sees only products. 

Don’t steal images from other pages 

Don’t steal images and spam them with affiliate links it will be taken down, it can affect your page badly

  • Don’t buy fake Pinterest followers

If you are going to do this for Pinterest forget it it’s best to get organic traffic from Pinterest as their SEO is friendly for new accounts. 

Set and Done

If you made it to the end I hope you enjoy this article helping you start out your affiliate marketing journey. If you want the best web hosting to check out my number one tool Blue host

In your affiliate marketing journey, my be slow but everything takes time to build nothing great took a day to build. It is best to dedicate yourself to affiliate marketing.