Affiliate marketing with Pinterest in 2021

Today is a very special day today. We will be taking a look at Affiliate marketing with Pinterest in 2021. I must say a very high demanded article after all Pinterest is a huge social media platform with thousands of new people hoping to create an account. You will learn exactly how to start with a method you can follow. Now before you start you must be able to be put in your time and energy.

Pinterest is very unique since every social platform is all about getting likes, comments, and shares but Pinterest is all about getting clicks to their images about people’s favorite topic. This platform is basically about only attracting people into clicking your link and saving them onto their account on Pinterest. 

What is Affiliate Marketing? How Does it Work

Still unsure about affiliate marketing here is a simple way to understand. Affiliate marketing is about referring a product to someone and if that person makes a purchase under your link you will make a sale. A great part about all this is you can start completely “free” but it might take a while. This might sound too good and you short off right because in order to make a sale you must be about to get traffic to your link and hope a random person will buy the product. 

In order to get traffic you must be able to find your audience and lead them into buying a product. 

Why most affiliates fail 

Very likely for multiple reasons but mainly not sticking with one thing. Let’s say you want to start a website then 2 weeks later you try email marketing or starting a Shopify store with a random product and hope to sell, a bad idea and probably will fail. Sticking to something can increase your chances of succeeding with this business model. 

Here is why I believe sticking to one thing at the start is a great idea for a beginner starting out on affiliate marketing

Understanding the method – Simple the more you try the better you understand and start making adjustments.

Having another skill – Starting with one thing can lead to another for example building your affiliate marketing website can you build a website as a freelancer

Teaching – While learning with one method you branch off and start helping people with advice.

Pinterest – Make your pins high quality 

After all, the way to grow on Pinterest is to have an eye-catching pin that people will click on plus staying on their platform to check out more content. I highly suggest getting started and creating an account for “Personal” to get an idea on how to use their platform then creating a business account for affiliate marketing. 

The best tool I recommend is Canva, a free platform that you can easily create an infinite amount of pins to upload. Either way, you can use any other software but if you have no idea how to create graphic design Canva is a perfect place to get started. 

Basic example using Canva:

Pinterest pin canva

Side note make sure when you download your image make sure its in PNG.

Check your competitors this is key because you can figure out what type of content they are putting out but also check out their latest pin. Finding out your niche is also key to becoming successful with affiliate marketing. 

Not to mention here are some videos you watch on YouTube for free to understand the basics to experts using Canva.

Do you need a website for Pinterest 

This will depend on most people if you want a long-term business model starting a website can be a great way to start. If you plan to start a website that is completely fine since Pinterest does still allow users to put their affiliate link(Not Amazon). 

As of now, Pinterest will delete your post if it directly leads to an amazon product but with other affiliates, you will be safe but be careful they are slowly starting to delete accounts. Typically most people will start a website and make reviews about and add an affiliate link. 

If you’re someone who wants to have a website I highly recommend using Bluehost for how affordable their plan is at $5. Every single day more websites are being created plus the average site will usually make money with ads, affiliates, and much more. 

Plan your Pinterest Site 

Having a beautiful page for new users is key to most accounts. Did you know most bloggers get lots of traffic using Pinterest than any other platform. Planning your page is key since most people regularly check-up and enjoy looking around your content board. 

Here is a great example of two account with a their own style:

Affiliate marketing with Pinterest board

Having the same content, the key to be an affiliate marketer sticking to one specific topic then slowly create a new account with a different topic. Using the same color is a great way to brand yourself but also using the same fonts and templates that people can easily remember you plus checking more of your content. 

Build Print to affiliate marketing 

Now here is a simple guide to kickstart your business then slowly scale your affiliate empire using the same method Linxtro is using currently. Anyone can build a successful business but you must have the time and energy. This is not a get rich money-making machine it will take time and understanding the in’s and out of affiliate marketing with Pinterest in 2021.

Starting with one website you enjoy writing about this will get you not bored and quite affiliate marketing like most 90%. Most beginners will usually pick a niche that is competitive and have no idea what type of articles to write. 

Next build another website with a different niche this will branch out to create more product review mix with How to. Remember in order to get your audience to trust you have to provide value. Giving free information can increase trust and people to buy more using your link.


Starting your affiliate marketing journey can feel lonely but joining a group chat talking about affiliate marketing or checking out Linxtro for more helpful advice for affiliate marketing can be a great way to not feel alone. Hope you enjoy reading affiliate marketing with Pinterest in 2021 you will be able to start and make your first sale.