7 ways to get more traffic to your website

If you’re struggling with getting traffic over to your website, I have good news, I have found 7 ways to get more traffic to your website for free. Now most people who start a website have no idea what to do and quit after a month because they can’t get traffic. 

Building a website and making money is a great way to create passive income but it does take time to make a full-time income working from home. 

Traffic is your Gold no matter what, getting traffic will help you build a long term business that can generate income forever, and understanding where to find your audience is key to any business. 

Here is our list of 7 ways to get more traffic to your website but make sure to put in time and energy and don’t be spammy and get people to flow into your website. 

7 ways to get more traffic to your website


When it comes to getting traffic backlinks are essentially in ranking and getting traffic to your website. Almost every website that doesn’t have a backlink will not rank on google or will take a while to notice established. 

If you don’t understand what are backlinks, basically a huge website link back to your website and Google will notice a big website linking back and google will rank you in the search engine. Now let’s just say Forbes links your website and in a couple of days your website will get flooded by people on your website and Google will rank you. 


Did you know Pinterest receives so much traffic that it can instantly get you traffic to your website? Anyone can create an account for free and start posting high-quality images. This is what makes Pinterest very unique since you create images that people are willing to click.

This is an example of people who are willing to click on and it will lead to an article onto your website. I personally suggest everyone use Pinterest for their blog and here is why Pinterest has every topic and gets millions of people onto their platform and you cannot miss that opportunity.   


Almost everyone knows Instagram and if you’re not using it for your website you’re probably missing out on tons of traffic. Make sure you have an account only for your website, making it professional will get you clicks and traffic to your page.

Anyone can start today and here are examples of pages that you can get an idea of how you want to build your page. Always post every single day to boost your page and get people to click on your link. 


Another platform that gives you so much traffic to your site. All you’re doing is answering questions that people need help with and you leave a link at the end. Quora receives millions of traffic every single month and most of the people are looking for help. 

social media traffic

Remember to answer every single day around 5 – 20 a day and make sure to not add a link to every single question. This will get you banned for “spamming”. Mix it up with questions with links and no links. 


Similar to Quora, Reddit has been popular and has a massive amount of traffic every single month. Do the same methods as Quora giving helpful tips and link out to your website as well. You can join communities all about one topic, so far people on Reddit are also trying to get helpful tips and you can be the main person helping.

Yahoo answer 

Another way to gain traffic is Yahoo, so many people are in Yahoo finding help. Yahoo is slowing down but there are still millions of people on Yahoo. Just like the other two answer question-based platforms, Yahoo’s answer has multiple topics that you can join and help people. 

Remember to answer questions and give real value and not just spamming your website link. 


Everyone knows about Facebook, one of the biggest platforms that you can make thousands of traffic every single day. By joining groups you can get high-quality traffic to your site and possibly take thousands of traffic. So many people are on Facebook to purchase almost anything and create a Facebook page for your website can really drive crazy amounts of traffic.

I highly recommend to create a Facebook page for your website and also join other groups can get your traffic a lot sooner. At first, don’t link out your website first, give great value to your people on your group.


Hope you enjoy reading our 7 ways to get more traffic to your website in 2020 make sure to use all these step and you will use people of your website and buying products and create passive income. It will take time but always remember that building a business wont always be a simple road, understanding how the algorithm works can make work less and help you boost traffic for free.

Be sure to check out more content from us Linxtro specialize in helping new entrepreneur trying to make their first dollar online or trying to find the best software to boost their sales. Feel free to look around and you might encounter something that sparkes your interest.